Thomas Ewing SHERMAN 4,6
 | Born: 12 Oct 1856, San Francisco, CA |
 | Died: 29 Apr 1933 |
General Notes:
Proving that "fact is stranger than fiction," a small cemetery in Grand Cateau, Louisiana, has two unlikely "bedfellows" buried side by side uner identical Latin inscribed tombstones. One, Father John Salter, was the grandnephew of Alexander Stephens, vice president of the Confederacy, and on his right, lies Thomas Ewing Sherman, son of General and Mrs. William T. Sherman.
Thomas Ewing Sherman was educated at Yale University and graduated with a law degree from Washington Universi ty in St. Louis. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1878 and was ordained a Jesuit priest in 1879. He taught philsophy at St. Louis University where he was recognized nationally as a brilliant scholar and eloquent speaker and writer. He served as a military chaplain in the Spanish-American War of 1898 where he was attached to the personal staff of General Ulysses S. Grant, II.
Why was the Confederacy vice president's grand nephew buried next to the son of the Union general who was the scourge of the South? Father Salter was simply the next Jesuit in the Province to die following Sherman.