Elias FORRER 86
 | Born: 26 Nov 1763, Wildhaus, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 86 |
 | Married (1): 23 Sep 1788, Buchs, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 21 |
 | Married (2): 16 Jan 1798, Sax, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 21 |
 | Died: 23 Jul 1806, Wildhaus, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 86 |
General Notes:
Elias Forrer was married twice, first in 1788 to Dorothe (maiden name unknown) and second to Margreth Zogg in 1798. There is information available on four previous generations of Forrer's in St. Gallen (in German).
Marriage Information:
Elias married Dorothe on 23 Sep 1788 in Buchs, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 21.
Marriage Information:
Elias also married Margreth ZOGG on 16 Jan 1798 in Sax, Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland 21.