Captain Findley EWING
 | Born: Abt 1650, Glasgow, Scotland 18 |
 | Married: 1694, Londonderry, Ireland 26 |
General Notes:
Findley Ewing moved from Glasgow, Scotland, to Londonderry, Ireland, about 1685 and there married Jane Porter. He was a staunch Presbyterian and an ardent advocate of liberty.
When serving as Captain under William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne (1690), he was presented with a sword by his sovereign King William in recognition of conspicuous bravery. It is not known what act of valor he was honored for. But the sword presented was silver-handled and was in possession of the family in New Jersey when it was stolen by a slave and the handle was melted for its metal. Before its theft, it was worn during the American Revolution by Dr. Thomas Ewing, an army surgeon and great grandson of its original owner.
The Battle of the Boyne was fought on the river of that name in eastern Ireland, July 12, 1690. The contestants were the forces of James II and William of Orange. The result of the battle was the complete overthrow of James, thus forcing his abdication and establishing the rule of William an Mary. The anniversary of this battle is still celebrated by the Orangemen, or Irish Protestants.
A very old genealogy chart in the Library of Congress, Manuscripts Division, OV10, lists that Finley Ewing and Jane had four children: William, Robert, Thomas, and a daughter.
1. Military Service; 1690. Captain in the Army of William of Orange
Marriage Information:
Findley married Jane PORTER in 1694 in Londonderry, Ireland 26.