Matilda Johanna VAUGHAN 4,6
 | Born: 1836, Cannelton, Perry Co., Indiana |
 | Died: 1901, Cannelton, Perry Co., Indiana |
 | Buried: Perry Co., Indiana |
General Notes:
!On Perry Co. IN census for 1850 p. 381 family #521; age 14 in househ old of her parents, Nicholas and Anna Ewing Vaughn. Matilda m. James Alexande r Burkett in 1851 in Cannelton, Perry Co. IN.--information from DAR application #3 73965 for Margaret Eleanor Rust gr. grandaughter of Matilda Vaughn Burkett.
Marriage Information:
Matilda married James Alexander BURKETT. (James Alexander BURKETT was born in 1828 63 and died in 1904 63.)