Mary Jane LIVINGOOD 4,6
 | Born: 14 Dec 1842, Perry Co., Indiana |
 | Married: 11 Sep 1856, Allamakee, Iowa |
 | Died: 2 Apr 1922 |
 | Buried: Smith Cem., Allamakee, IA |
General Notes:
On 1850 Perry Co IN census, Deer Creek Twp. p. 382, family #540; ag e 8, in the household of her parents Greenbury and Abigail Ewing Livi ngood. Family records indicate that at the time of her marriage sh e was 14 years old and John was 21. She was about age 10 or 11 whe n her family moved to Iowa. Mary Jane and her husband, John Smith, are buried in the Smith Cemete ry near Postville, IA.
Marriage Information:
Mary married John William SMITH on 11 Sep 1856 in Allamakee, Iowa. (John William SMITH was born on 16 Nov 1835, died on 29 Mar 1876 and was buried in Smith Cem., Allamakee, IA.)